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Im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten zur 35-jährigen Verschwisterung der Gemeinden Clonakilty/Irland und Waldaschaff/Deutschland findet nebst dem offiziellen Festakt auch die Kunstausstellung "Irish Artists go Spessart" statt. Elf renommierte irische Künstler zeigen im Rahmen dieser Ausstellung ihre Kunst. Die Ausstellung kann täglich nach Voranmeldung besucht werden (Nähere Informationen zur Anmeldung sowie den Künstlern finden Sie im Anschluss an die Veranstaltungen). Nebst den irischen Künstlern wird auch das deutsche Künstler-Duo Mannstein & Vill in Waldaschaff mit einem Kunstprojekt vertreten sein. Paste Up History zeigt Kunst an Gebäuden und ist im Ortskern der Gemeinde zu finden. 

Auch die Sprache ist ein wichtiger Teil des künstlerischen Ausdrucks und so ergänzt eine Ausstellung zum Thema "Irische Sprache" unser Programm.

Vervollständigt wird unser diesjähriges kulturelles Highlight durch verschiedene Veranstaltungen:


Öffentlicher Empfang der irischen Delegation

Mittwoch, 03.04.2024, 15.00 Uhr, Rathaus Waldaschaff (Am Mühlbach 5, Waldaschaff)


Besichtigung der Paste-Up-History von Mannstein & Vill sowie Einweihung der irischen Telefonzelle an der Christebrücke

Mittwoch, den 03.04.2024, ca. 16.30 Uhr Clonakilty- bzw. Christebrücke-Platz (Ortsmitte, Waldaschaff)


Vorführung des Filmes "We Ourselves"

Donnerstag, 04.04.2024, 16.00 Uhr und Samstag, 13.04.2024 jeweils 15.00 Uhr in der Turnhalle (Höhenstraße 20, Waldaschaff)

Ein unkonventioneller Film über das Leben von sieben irischen Freunden über einen Zeitraum von mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten.

Regie und Drehbuch: Paul Mercier

Dauer ca. 90 Minuten

Eintritt frei - Speisen und Getränke können vor Ort erworben werden


Vortrag "St. Kilian in Franken" mit Whiskey-Verkostung - Achtung: Anmeldung erforderlich!

Donnerstag, 04.04.2024, 19.30 Uhr in der Turnhalle (Höhenstraße 20, Waldaschaff)

Die Rüdenauer St. Kilian Destillerie vom Bayerischen Untermain und der Spessarter Historiker Dr. Theodor Ruf begeben sich mit uns auf die Spuren des heiligen Kilian. Um 689 kam der Ire mitsamt Kolonat und Totnan nach Würzburg, und fanden dort den Tod. Doch auch bei uns hat Kilian Spuren hinterlassen.

Wie kein anderer versteht es Dr. Theodor Ruf, komplexe Wissenschaft auf unterhaltsame Weise zu vermitteln. Sie wollen wissen, wer Kilian war und was über ihn noch wissenswert ist? In einer bebilderten Präsentation, kombiniert mit einer Whiskey-Verkostung der Extraklasse, werden Sie erfahren, was Sie schon immer über Kilians wahre und abenteuerliche Geschichte wissen wollten.

Präsentation von Dr. Theodor Ruf über das Leben des hl. Kilian und Verkostung von 6 ausgewählten Whiskys - Geschichten und Hintergründe zu Kilian und zu den einzelnen Whiskys aus erster Hand.

Hier geht´s zur Anmeldung

Preis pro Person: 25,00 €



Samstag, 06.04.2024, 19.30 Uhr in der Turnhalle (Höhenstraße 20, Waldaschaff)

Verabschiedung der irischen Delegation mit Live-Musik.

Eintritt frei - Speisen und Getränke können vor Ort erworben werden


Konzert des Mandolinen-Orchesters des Spessartbundes sowie musikalische Unterhaltung durch ein Akkordeon-Quarttet des Musikvereins Waldaschaff

Sonntag, 07.04.2024, 15.00 Uhr in der Turnhalle (Höhenstraße 20, Waldaschaff)

Nicht nur Bilder und Skulpturen sondern auch Musik sind Teil unseres Programms im Rahmen von "Irish Artists go Spessart". Die Musik ist fester Bestandteil der Verschwisterung der Gemeinden Waldaschaff und Clonakilty, denn die ersten Kontakte der beiden Gemeinden sind auf eine Reise von Waldaschaffer Musikern auf die grüne Insel zurückzuführen.

Eintritt frei - Kaffee und Kuchen (Musikverein) sowie Getränke können vor Ort erworben werden.



Samstag, den 13.04.2024, ca. 18.00 Uhr in der Turnhalle (Höhenstraße 20, Waldaschaff)

Im Anschluss an die Aufführung des Films "We Ourselves" findet das Abschlussevent von "Irish Artists go Spessart" statt. Umrahmt von klassischer irischer Musik besteht hier die Möglichkeit nochmals die Ausstellung zu besuchen.

Eintritt frei - Speisen und Getränke können vor Ort erworben werden


Wir freuen uns auf ihren besuch!

Sie möchten die Ausstellung besuchen?

Während der offiziellen Veranstaltungen am 04.04., 06.04., 07.04. und 13.04. ist die Ausstellung geöffnet und kann ohne Voranmeldung besucht werden. Außerhalb dieser Zeiten ist eine Anmeldungen bei der Gemeinde Waldaschaff, Frau Brehm, erforderlich.

Sie erreichen Frau Brehm montags bis freitags von 08.00 Uhr bis 12.00 Uhr unter 06095 9710-10 oder per eMail unter Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.



Die Ausstellung ist Teil von Zeitgeist Irland 24, einer Initiative von Culture Ireland und der Botschaft der Republik Irland in Deutschland.

The exhibition is part of Zeitgeist Irland 24, an initiative of Culture Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland in Germany.

Zeitgeist Irland 24 in den sozialen Medien / Zeitgeist Irland on social media

Instagram @Zeitgeist_Irland_24

Facebook @ZeitgeistIrland

Twitter/X @ZeitgeistIrland




Erfahren Sie mehr über die ausstellenden Künstler

Kate Fitzgerald began her journey into the artworld by achieving an honours degree in Fine Art Printmaking in Crawford College of Art & Design and continued on to do a Post Graduate in 'Safe Printmaking Techniques'.  She went on to work alongside Maud Cotter a member of Aosdána, in the National Sculpture Factory. Kate also taught art in St Johns Central College and Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, Cork.

Kate returned home to Clonakilty in 2001 to open her own business 'The Loft Gallery' where she also lives and works. As well as having her own  successful solo exhibitions, she curates shows by established and emerging artists.  Kate has exhibited in many galleries and her work has been purchased by private and public collectors extensively in Ireland, across the U.K., Europe, U.S.A. and Australia.

Since childhood Kate has long been inspired by the everchanging infinite landscape of West Cork,  often returning to  the same places to paint.  In doing this she has forged a connection with the landscape, which can be seen in her work by the use of bold brush strokes, moving the paint through the canvas, layering and mark making to capture moments and memories.


I am a full time landscape artist for the past five years yet have been drawing and painting all my life. Gowing up in Clonakilty and now living in Bandon the paintings to date are based on the beauty around that I see every day and the places I like to go in and around west cork. Working with acrylic and mainly on canvas my art begins free style and layering up to a detailed image of my subject matter. I am now in the happy position of having pop up shops to fund my month’s away painting for a new collection of originals every year.  

To the sea, all things lead to the sea
As a small island, it encompasses us and in some way I feel has helped mould us.
The ever changing movement of the tides, the changing of the seasons, the varied and diverse geology of our coast has always been a deep source of inspiration for me.
For a long time most of the decisions I have made in my life revolve around my relationship to the sea and its ever changing moods.
I have always been most at peace floating on the sea with nothing but the birds watching over Me. There is a great sense of tranquility to be found in the isolation of being completely alone and at the mercy of the sea.
A constant through all of my work has been a deep fascination with the shapes of water. These fleeting moments as light bounces off something that is never fixed or permanent. The lines and textures that are created.
It was my driving force to start photography, it's why I first chanced swimming in the ocean with a camera.
For the longest time, I have felt so lucky to watch the water move and dance and have been compelled to try to share those moments with others through photography, film & sound.
As part of this multidisciplinary project, I would hope that in my own work, it will help highlight the beauty of our small little corner of the county to the German public and strengthen the on going relationships between both countries but also to document the exhibition in both stils and video so as to provide marketing materials to both council groups in Germany and Ireland and an archival record of the event taking place.


The process of making a piece of art


Stephen Hayes is an award-winning fine art photographer based in Clonakilty, West Cork, Ireland. Photography is his escape and passion. He uses long exposures & minimalism to capture not what is there but what he sees. Photography lets him experience nature at its most beautful and living in West Cork, he is surrounded by endless beauty and inspiraton.
Stephen loves seeing his images come full circle from concepton, to capture and finally to print.
Stephen’s exhibited pieces are a journey through his works which includes seascapes, wildlife, minimalism, long exposure and macro images.
“Photography gives me a feeling of peace, calm and solace and my aim with my work is to bring that feeling through to my images” – Stephen Hayes

Pauline Walsh, Landscape Artist from Skerries Co.Dublin now living in West Cork. During her time in Dublin, Pauline worked for Don Bluth Studios and worked on the classic movies “Land Before Time”, “All Dogs go to Heaven” and it’s sequel “All Dogs II”.
Pauline’s work while nature based tend to include bodies of water, from large seascapes to vast iceberg – stewn vistas. However living close to the beautiful woodlands of West Cork, has inspired Pauline to create paintings that give a sense of being immersed in those forests. She paints using oil on canvas, building up textures to create this feeling of depth.
Pauline has exhibited throughout Ireland, her work is widely collected and commissioned both privately and commercially and is included in the following collections – Hennessey, Roxy New York, Jeremy Irons and the Deptartment of the Marine.


West Cork Artist Aidan O’Regan, has established a reputation as a colourist of immense ability.

A love of nature and an ability to deconstruct his environs to its constituent colours, allows him to interpret the coast and hinterland of West Cork in a fashion so subtle that the viewer is immediately engaged.

His works are inspired by the compass of light that exists across the seasons of West Cork landscape.  From the piercing blues of direct summer light and panoramic purples and pinks of a June evening, warm comfortable autumnal reds and oranges, long cold steel winter light, all of these producing the subtlest of nuances from Aidan’s palette.

“The challenge of making the impossible work, colours that should never lie together, that shouldn’t work, making these colours come together is where I see triumph”


Born in Dublin in 1956, Éadaoin HardingKemp was raised and educated in Cork city, where she later attended The Crawford Gallery Art College from 1973 to 1977. On graduation with a Fine Arts Degree, she won the prestigious 'Student of the Year' award and the opportunity to exhibit in the Lavit Gallery, the premier gallery in the city.

Having gained a full time art teaching post for a number of years, Éadaoin decided to move to wonderful, beautiful rural West Cork and dedicate herself entirely to painting. The landscape of wild untamed beauty and the everchanging seascape became her inspiration, which continues to this day.

From the initial exhibition in 1977 Éadaoin has to date held twenty six solo exhibitions and been involved in numerous group shows also across the island of Ireland. Presently she is exhibiting in galleries in Waterford, West Clare and Cork city and county. Her work is highly sought after and in constant demand, making her one of Ireland's premier and longstanding painters. Éadaoin has work in many famous collections, including Trinity College Dublin, Allied Irish Bank , Office of Public Works,
Korean Embassy, University College Cork and HSE Cork University Hospital, to name but a few.
As for private collections, her paintings have travelled the globe to U.S.A., Asia, Australia, New Zealand and most European countries, including Germany.


Moss Gaynor is a sculptor based in Clonakilty West Cork. Born in 1974, he has a degree in industrial Chemistry from the University of Limerick. His work often combines found or “chance” objects with intensively fabricated elements, open to all media at his disposal. It is somewhere between the man made and the natural that these  pieces exist.
Moss has completed several sculptural works for a number of noteworthy clients including Cork County Council, The Irish Embassy in London and the  Irish Cultural Centre in London. He has also showed work extensively both nationally and internationally, most recently at his Alma Mater -the University of Limerick and the Irish Cultural Centre in London.

Geraldine O’Sullivan is a full-time artist and a native of West Cork. She graduated from the National College of Art and Design, Dublin, with First Class Honours in 1981. She now lives and paints from her studio in Ballylibert, Castlefreke, West Cork. 

Geraldine has had numerous solo exhibitions and has been included in many group exhibitions in Ireland, the UK and New York. Her work features in public and private collections including the Office of Public Works, Tralee Institute of Technology, The Health Service Executive, and Dun Laoighaire County Council.


Shane O Driscoll is an Irish visual artist. He studied Visual Communications and is a member of Cork Printmakers and Backwater Artists Group.

He has exhibited his work internationally and throughout Ireland. Shane has work in the permanent collection of The National Gallery of Ireland, Crawford Art Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, UCC, UCD and has also displayed work in The Irish Print Museum.


 Jim Turner graduated with a degree in Ceramics and Sculpture at Camberwell College of Art. He taught ceramics and sculpture at the West Cork Campus (Rossa College) Cork College of Commerce for 14 years.
 Jim has lived and worked in West Cork for over 40 years with his partner Etain Hickey at the Rossmore Pottery. He has been involved with clay for all of seventy years having been born into a pottery family.
Jim’s work is ever evolving with many diverse influences from encounters with the West Cork land and seascape, anonymous Minoan pottery, architecture, sailing Greek waters (he has always made boats {vessels}), and a myriad of diverse experiences that register in the unconscious mind.
New directions with his work had focused on hand built forms (using his own recipe for paper clay incorporating cellulose fibres, molochite and deflocculant), which explore applied textures and glaze finishes. This exploration of the possibilities of using paper clay for hand building sculptures continues.  The alchemy of for ever changing minerals & clay by fire, and the serendipity resulting from ‘happy accidents’, invigorates the creative process. There are always surprises!




Maria Vill, PhD

Künstlerin – geb. 1971 in Gerolzhofen – Abitur in Elsenfeld – Logopädie-Examen – Studium der Freien Kunst an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar – Studium an der Ecole supérieure d'art visuel Genf – Diplom Freie Kunst 2000 – PhD Weimar 2014

– lebt in Berlin


David Mannstein

Künstler und Ausstellungsmacher – geb. 1958 in Bad Hersfeld – Abitur in Fulda – Studium Mathematik und Physik – Kfz-Meister – Studium der Freien Kunst an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar – Diplom Freie Kunst 1997

– lebt in Berlin

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